自己用英语怎么说 自己用英语如何说

发布日期:2024-05-02 10:43:45     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/yule/news418023.html    违规举报
核心提示:1、自己 - oneself英[wʌnˈself]美[wʌnˈself]。2、词典:oneself; of ones own side; closely related;3、例句:The best way of improving conf

自己用英语怎么说 自己用英语如何说

1、自己 - oneself英[wʌnˈself]美[wʌnˈself]。

2、词典:oneself; of ones own side; closely related;

3、例句:The best way of improving confidence is by trusting oneself.提高自信的最好方法就是相信自己。It is difficult to make oneself concentrate for long periods.让自己长时间聚精会神是很困难的。


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